The 32nd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC 2021) is engaging with interactive formats, interesting presentations and cutting-edge research. This year ESPNIC has elevated the virtual experience to a completely new level offering unique ESPNIC TV, Science at the bar or Interactive sessions with the audience.
ESPNIC TV Interactive sessions
The interactive studio is allowing different format, which actively are engaging all the participants
Virtual can be attractive
The whole ESPNIC Xperience is offering eye-catching ESPNIC Hub, Interactive lobby and Tech Lab, accompanied by its own Music playlist.
Young Investigators Award
Six young ESPNIC Members have presented their research, trying to win the Young Investigators Award. Who will be the first two – find out tomorrow during the presidents’ session.
Science at the Bar
Talking for scientific topics over a glass of wine is possible even virtually and ESPNIC has offered this experience to the congress attendees on Wednesday