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Membership #1

ESPNIC has more than 750 members from 52 countries and encourages paediatric or neonatal intensivists, nurses and allied health professionals to join the society and enjoy benefits and networking opportunities in the field.
We also offer joint membership opportunities with European national societies. If you have any membership-related inquiries, please contact us.


  1. Participation in ESPNIC’s interdisciplinary scientific activities
  2. Reduced registration fees for the annual congress, educational and training activities such as: EPIC Diploma, post-graduate courses, workshops and training courses sponsored by ESPNIC.
  3. Fund your research through Grants and awards and opportunities for both nursing and medical members.
  4. Build your knowledge through networking opportunities or our new Mentorship programme.
  5. Access the ICM journal and our new ESPNIC books “Update in Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care”, also known as “Hot Topics Books”


Reduced membership fees are offered to members from low income, lower-middle income, and upper-middle income economies.

* ESPNIC Follows the country classification of World Bank list 2022

** All Trainees and Students must present a signed Trainee Declaration Form provided each year confirming their status.

*** Allied Health Professional: involved in the field of Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine, e.g. physiotherapists, play therapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, dieticians and pharmacists


If you want to join as a whole unit – this is now also possible for 10 nursing colleagues from the same institution when their application is proceeded and paid as a unit. Unit Membership is now possible as part of the Year of the Nurse and Midwife campaign.


Unit Membership – 10 Nursing Members Membership fee for 2023
10 Nursing Members ESPNIC (High-income countries) 330 €
10 Nursing Members ESPNIC (Lower-income countries*) 220 €


Please contact us for more details and Unit Membership application.

* ESPNIC Follows the country classification of World Bank list 2022

** All Trainees and Students have to present a signed Trainee Declaration Form provided each year confirming their status.


Medical Doctors

Nurses and Allied Health Professionals