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The European Society for Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) is shocked by the rocket attacks on the National Specialised Children’s Hospital, Ohmatydt in Kyivv on July 8, 2024.

The attacks are a severe violation of International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Convention. These Laws are specificially designed to protect civilians in time of war and explicitly state that health care facilities including hospitals must not be attacked. All countries must obey these laws.

Targeted destruction of children’s hospitals is totally unacceptable and a true and deliberate crime against humanity. Therefore, we immediately call for action to stop the violence and fully respect the rights of all children, to safeguard their health, education, well-being and the right to shelter. This is the responsibility of the international community. Responsible parties and their allies must be held accountable in the international criminal court.

ESPNIC encourages all health care professionals from all over the world to get together and join forces against these inhumane acts. Together we stand strong with the Ukranian people and health care professionals.


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